zaterdag, september 30, 2006

Use Gmail Generate Unlimited E-mail Addresses

Gmail has an interesting quirk where you can add a plus sign (+) after your Gmail address, and it'll still get to your inbox. It's called plus-addressing, and it essentially gives you an unlimited number of e-mail addresses to play with. Here's how it works: say your address is, and you want to automatically label all tech e-mails. Add a plus sign and a phrase to make it and set up a filter to label it tech (to access your filters go to Settings->Filters and create a filter for messages addressed to Then add the label tech).

donderdag, september 21, 2006


FreeEnigma brings cryptography to webmail, with an ingenious set of free and open browser plug-ins that work with Yahoo, Gmail, and others.

woensdag, september 06, 2006

Nederlandse spellingcontrole

Typ of plak een stuk tekst tot maximaal 250 woorden in het invoerveld en klik op 'Controleer deze tekst!' ...

dinsdag, september 05, 2006

Create an Email Blacklist in Gmail

vrijdag, september 01, 2006

Files Brusselse ring rechtstreeks op internet te volgen

Vanaf vandaag kunt u de verkeerssituatie op de Brusselse ring rechtstreeks volgen op de website van het Verkeerscentrum Vlaanderen.